University academic performance

Welcome to my portfolio, where I am thrilled to showcase my latest project - a Power Bi dashboard designed to monitor the academic performance of students and teachers. The dashboard serves as a centralized platform to collect, analyze, and visualize data from multiple sources, allowing for a comprehensive view of the university's academic performance.
The creation of this dashboard was a challenging yet rewarding experience. It required a significant amount of coordination and collaboration to gather data from various databases, and create an entity-relationship diagram. The diagram served as the backbone for the dashboard, facilitating easy navigation and efficient data analysis.
One of the most significant benefits of this dashboard is its ability to quickly identify teachers and students who may be struggling academically. The university director can effortlessly access the dashboard and view real-time analytics on student and teacher performance. This information can be used to identify at-risk individuals, allowing for proactive interventions to be made to help improve their academic performance.
Moreover, this dashboard has helped streamline administrative tasks, reducing the amount of time spent gathering and analyzing data manually. By automating data collection, we can ensure that the data is up-to-date and accurate, enabling the university to make data-driven decisions efficiently.
Overall, this project has allowed me to refine my skills in database management, data analysis, and dashboard creation. I am excited to share my work with you, and I hope you find it informative and engaging.

(Sensitive information has been modified to protect business confidential information)

  • Power BI
  • Excel