Download My CV and Certificates

On this page, you can download my CV in both Spanish and English, as well as any relevant certificates. I am passionate about continuing my education and expanding my skills, particularly in the field of data analysis. Currently, I have started a five months bootcamp in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from Anyone AI.

Download my CV

Course Certified by Hours Certificate
Machine Learning Engineer Anyone AI (2003) 650 ML Engineer
SQL for Data Science University of California Davis - Coursera (2023) 20 SQL
Introduction to Git and GitHub Google - Coursera (2022) 16 Git
Python for Everybody Univ. of Michigan - Coursera (2022) 81 Py4E
Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt Univ. Austral (2022) 140 LSS - GB
Estadistica aplicada a negocios /
Statistics applied to business
Univ. Austral - Coursera (2022) 20 Statistics for business
Data analytics Coderhouse (2022) 46 Data analytics
Gestion de Procesos /
Process management
BeCerti Latam (2021) 12 Process